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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Malaysia Boleh"

Malaysia has become the laughing stock of the world.  We have scored a few world first and certainly entitiled an entry to the Guinness Book of Record or at least, the loval version, Malaysia Books of Records.

Entry No 1:
"The first state assembly held under a rain tree in the state of Perak"

Entry No.2:
"Politicians leaders from a major racist political party, MCA, challenging each other to swear in Temple of God to declare he is free from visiting prostitute during any oversea trip, so to proof " I am holier than thou dude."  Apparently, politicians from Barisan Nasional likes to swear in Mosque or temples to prove their innocent.  Although the plot here is fit for a good drama or sandiwara, but the rakyat is not watching. boring...boring....hmm..where is my "CSL" action DVD.

Entry No 3.
"Locking up the state assembly building to denied acccess to the state assemblyman/women."  This reminds me when i was young and during a heated quarrels with my siblings, i often lock the door of the room to denied their entry and proclaims victory.  So the Barisan Nasional is still macam budak-budak

Entry no. 4.
" A very manly looking Tourism Minister with a name call Azalina Othman criticised the Perak assembly under a rain tree "uncivilised".  Of course he..erm..she also link this action as a insult to the HRH Sultan of Perak(in recent times, HRH Sultan Azlan Shah  becomes a very sellable name).  Some people are born talented and some people are borned just dumb, Azalina Othman is one of the very good example here.  Why they held it under a tree? you moron! because your similar retarded counterpart lock up the doors to the building!  Please go and study why Thailand, Bali, and other surrounding countries attracting tourist in the billions while nobody want to come here, Instead of showing off your stupidity here.

Entry No. 5
"Mr C4 reassure the rakyat there will be no increase in road toll this year(every march of a year, the toll will increase 10% until you are a grandpa"  Mr C4 potraying a hero who has just saved the rakyat from the toll concessionary monster.  but it was stated in the agreement(which was made public, recently), the government need to compensate the monster for the deferrment of the price hike.  Whose money is used to pay the monster? is ours..and who create these monster in the first place?  it is Mr C4, the hero! 

The rakyat is not dumb, we got eyes and ear, and the most importantly, not all of us graduated from the 40++ universities in Malaysia

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