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Monday, June 8, 2009


I do not want to believe this but the recent general assembly of PAS say it loud and clear.  To be fair, not all PAS members agree to this but what action are these dissident voice going to take?  Since Hadi was re-elected without a fight(Smells like Umno way) and that dim wit Nasharuddin has won the deputy post, does the opinion of these 2 top PAS guy represents the Whole party vision?  which is to join Umno to form a unity government and eyeing the Prime Minister position?

The people will make sure PAS loose badly in the next GE if the odinary members of PAS just sit there and do nothing about this 2 PAS reject and Umno admirer.

and to Nasharuddin, stop blaming the media for causing the split in PAS, you will know who is the culprit when you look at yourself in the mirror every morning

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