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Sunday, January 11, 2009

JOM! Lets boycott!

Again, our politicians and former famous out of party politicians initiate some very stupid measures in response to the conflict in Gaza Strip.  You can ask: " what can we do?"  Hahahaha..."JOM! Lets Boycott!"

Our former famous out of party politician, Mahatiu Mohd urged the Muslim world to boycott all products make  Uncle SAM!  duh...

This is another typical senile case of Mahatiu or an overdose of Ganja(since he got nothing better to do anyway).  May i know how many so called of "American brand" were made in "Amerika" anyway?  Most of the products are either make in China or in other countries.  The worst case is that some of these products are actually made in Malaysia!

Of course the senile Mahatiu do not care since he got billions stashed in a swiss bank.  Bu boycotting US brands may actually hurt us, the normal rakyat more than Uncle Sam.  Just figure this out, If you boycott Starbucks, and Starbucks collapsed, who will suffer more?  The last time i checke, most employees in Starbucks are our Malay friend!  Who will be out of job!  This scenario also apply to Pizza Hut, Mcdonald and KFC.  Who are the majority workers in Intel, AMD, Motorola factories?  Again is our Malay friend!

Many people would like to ride on the conflict in the Gaza Strip to gain political mileage, including our morons in our government and our senile Mahatiu.  If they really want to help the Palestinian, Please pack your bag and buy the earliest flight to Middle east.  You can fight alongside with HAMAS.

Oh.. another advice to Mahatiu, Please close down and AMD is American), and stop eating your heart medicine; I am sure all these are made by the Americans too.


ioohaey said...

Oops... my Apple Mac is US product, can't boycott lah...

I am afraid he will answer you the medicine made in Germany.

boLanliap said...

to show he is still a moron

Dun worry, later he will ask ppl to boycott everything western. He will take ayurveda remiedies soon, maybe learn yoga as is haram.. :P

ioohaey said...

Ohh :o Everything from western? Included English?? Jom, mari kita bertutur dan menulis dalam bahasa ma-lai-sia. Mari kita sama-sama berhenti latihan yoga! (let me reconsider the last 1, haha!)