Our Flip-Flop Prime minister of Malaysia finally throw in the tower and call it quits. He will not defend his party top post in the coming March Umno General Assembly. He says his decision is based on party unity and he will continue to reform the judiciary, Anti corruption and race relation while he is still in power. He said all this reforms were in his 2004 General Election Manifesto.
What i think Badawi is real chicken! Give up without a fight. Bowing to pressure from former dictator Tun Dr M is real weak. Reasons of party unity is just a lame excuse. Unity in UMNO is gone anyway, whether you like it or not, there will be power struggle in the party. From the way the PM is forced to stand down by the UMNO warlord and replace by a "cacat Najib" is a no way to promote party unity!!
Badawi have a good 4 years to carry out his mandate as the PM and with the full support from the rakyat then, but he delivered zero, nil, kosong, ling chee tan, kong. What make him think that he will succeeed in this remaining 5 months? furthermore from a PM that is disposed by his own party??????
Pak lah if you are still a man, come out and fight, maybe on another platform, With KU LI perhaps??? Blogsphere already named you as "BAPA KEMALUAN", and you went down to Malaysia History as the "Prime Minister of the shortest term".
Shame! Shame!
Bagan should lead the global way
1 month ago
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