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Friday, October 24, 2008

Malaysia Press Freedom Ranking - 132

Yes we are only a few rungs above Burma/Myamar in our press freedom rankings by Reporters Without Borders. So it must be bad news to our BeEND government because they will not able to compare Malaysia with Burma soon.

Our Ministers always like to use Indonesia and Burma as benchmark. Since Indonesia is above Malaysia in this case, the government cannot quote them anymore. This just left only Burma/Myamar to compete with us. I foresee in the future we will eventually loose out to Burma/Myamar just like our multi-million soccer boys, thrashed by the backyard team of this so called backward country.

But The rakyat can be well assured that we will always triumph against the North Korea regimes in Press Freedoms. It just too bad that our soccer's boys will not enjoy the same victory against the North Koreans.

Malaysia Boleh!

1 comment:

chuafc2006 said...

Sony has new workshop now...faster go register!